Personal Development, Behaviour and Welfare

Personal, Social and Health Education

Spiritual, moral, social and cultural development and education is a key part of both the core and extended curriculum at Chislehurst School for Girls. We take every opportunity for our students to: be reflective about their own beliefs and others’, develop a moral purpose, use and develop a range of social skills and understand and respect a full range of cultural influences.

Some of the many ways we promote our students personal and social development include:

  • Having a diverse and constantly developing Enrichment Curriculum (please see full timetable), designed to provide students with intensive careers information, volunteering opportunities and additional, non-curricular education inside and outside of the classroom.
  • We work closely with external professionals, and our internal careers programme to assist students in making the right next steps. Our partnerships span the breadth of financial intuitions, sector-leading businesses and dedicated organisations within the local area, each with a view towards providing students with the greatest chance of attaining their desired career.
  • As part of our enrichment programmes, we offer a range of life skills such as ICT and personal finance modules, while students are also encouraged to express themselves creatively through art, music and drama programmes.
  • Having weekly Year team briefings and Thought for the Week where we cover current affairs, historical events, politics, religion and financial literacy.
  • Having PSHE lessons which includes a broad curriculum with lessons including: the new relationships, sex and health education, drug education, mental health education, E-safety, county lines, anti-bullying education and citizenship education.
  • We adopt a cross-curricular approach to teaching the importance of physical activity and diet for a healthy lifestyle, which we include in PE, Science and PSHE.
  • Offering a wide range of school trips to develop students understanding of the local, national and global world they live in.
  • Offering opportunities for student leadership including, student council, Head Girl and Head Boy and prefect duties.
  • We provide a consistent focus and understanding of our school values and we use those values to encourage our pupils throughout the school day


PSHE Curriculum Map

BEHAVIOUR-POLICY-2023-2024A Hodgson LT Web


Mrs A Hodgson – Assistant Headteacher with responsibility for Behaviour for Learning



A Singer LT Web


Miss A Singer - Assistant Headteacher with responsibility for Personal Development


Useful Links

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