About our Sixth Form

6th Form Opp Banner Sept 2023

At Chislehurst School for Girls Sixth Form we are committed to promoting academic rigour. We believe that academic excellence is not only a matter of grades, but also a matter of intellectual curiosity, passion for learning, and willingness to challenge oneself. We offer a wide range of courses that cater to different abilities, interests and aspirations, from A-levels to vocational courses.

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We provide students with individualised support and feedback, as well as access to various resources and facilities, such as libraries, laboratories, studios and online platforms. Our Year 13 students have the additional benefit of having their own named study bays in our study suites.  We expect students to work hard and smart, to engage actively in their learning, to seek help when needed, and to strive for continuous improvement. Through our carefully curated work experience programme, we will help prepare you for the work market and give you the edge to apply for the job of your dreams.

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(Year 13 personal study bays)

One of the things that makes our Sixth Form special is our commitment to promoting girls in leadership. We believe that girls have the ability and the right to lead in all areas of life, from academics and sports, to arts and social justice. We encourage girls to take on leadership roles within the school community, such as the Head student Team, House Captains, peer mentors, club leaders and student council representatives. Encouraging our Sixth Form to lead on stage in assemblies to refine their public speaking skills, supports our students to be confident and articulate young people.  In addition, we also provide girls with opportunities to develop their leadership skills outside the school, such as attending workshops, conferences, seminars and networking events with inspiring female role models from various fields and backgrounds. We aim to empower girls to be confident, resilient and ambitious leaders who can make a positive difference in the world.

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MeMs Robinson - Head of Sixth Form

Being a female Computer Scientist I am challenged to engage the girls in a subject which is integral to their future careers and one that has always been under-represented by females. I enjoy working in a rich community that values every person and includes a wide range of academic ability and talent. I work with our Exceptional Scholars helping them to achieve competitive applications to the top universities in the country. The young men and women in our Sixth Form, draw on a different set of  skills and enrich our community, as many will have joined us from other schools. Supporting these young adults on their journey to Higher Education, through enrichment activities, pastoral care and providing extra challenges to stretch the Exceptional Scholars adds a new dimension to my working life.

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Mrs Baker - Year 12 and 13 Coordinator

I work closely with the Sixth Form Team in supporting our senior students.  We provide an open-door policy in the Sixth Form which means that we are a constant form of support to Year 12 and 13 students.  I enjoy helping the students consider their next steps and future choices.  As a teacher of English, I teach across the key stages promoting enthusiasm for English.


Sixth Form Enrichment 

  • We are committed to preparing all of our students for the wider world and are motivated by the notion of a life well-lived.
  • By promoting activities that enhance the whole person beyond their studies, we will prioritise strategies to guard and look after their own wellbeing, physical health and fitness.
  • Leadership characteristics will be taught and developed to ensure that our learners are able to take their place in the wider world with confidence. For example, resilience, empathy, tolerance, discernment, positivity, courage and compassion.
  • We look to develop students to have a strong sense of moral purpose, integrity, charity and social justice. We want our learners to be confident public speakers and to know what it is to advocate for those less fortunate than themselves.
  • We aim to celebrate successes for everyone, as individuals, as groups of students and as the whole sixth form. To reward, motivate and to reinforce a positive outlook and the confidence to succeed.
  • We are committed to this personalised approach of enrichment activities and opportunities for all of our sixth form students.

Exceptional scholars

Providing student-centred programmes and opportunities that meet the needs of our more able scholars, to ensure that they fulfil their potential and are challenged academically.

  • Aiming to raise aspiration and engage in a wider curriculum to grow lifelong learners and empower our students to make applications for the most competitive courses and universities for their chosen learning path.
  • To this end, we will provide a range of speakers and resources to broaden horizons, build academic confidence and literacy and facilitate 21st century skills to support their next steps.
  • Fair access and widening participation schemes will navigate and support our provision for some students, as we collaborate with top universities and institutions who offer world class opportunities to achieve social advancement and equality of opportunity. For example, the Sutton Trust, UNIQ and Oxbridge Fair Access.

Dress Code

Sixth Form students are aware that they should dress professionally at all times, in a smart and formal manner. Please note that serious or persistent breaches of dress code will result in parents/carers being contacted and students sent home to rectify the issue. It has been felt that some guidelines would be useful to ensure clarity about these expectations. 

 Students should adhere to the following dress code: 

  • Blazers are compulsory  
  • Tailored trousers or appropriate length dress or skirt  
  • Collared shirt or smart blouse 
  • Plain dark coloured shoes, ankle boots or sandals (trainers, boots, uggs, flip flops/ sliders or crocs are not permitted) 
  • Discreet piercings are permitted (no rings, bars or visible tattoos) 
  • Hair colour should be within the natural range of hair colours  
  • Hair accessories should be modest and safe. Long hair should be tied back in practical subjects for health and safety 
  • With the exception of headwear worn for religious reasons, hats or hair coverings should not be worn inside the school building 
  • Students involved in Physical Education activities should wear Physical Education clothes only when they are in practical lessons 

16-19 Bursary Funding

Students who are in need of financial assistance can apply for the 16-19 Bursary.

Please see the link below for the relevant form.


23-24-bursary-application-form.pdfThe deadline for the academic year 2023-24 has now passed.


ID Cards: 

All Sixth Form students are issued with a photographic ID card that grants them access to the Sixth Form Centre via card readers on every outer door. It is compulsory for Sixth Form Students to wear their ID cards at all times. 

School Trips: 

For school trips students should dress appropriately in accordance with the nature of the trip. 

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