
Hurdle Curriculum

Curriculum overview

Click here to view our Intent-implementation-impact 2022 documentAn overview of what is offered at each Key Stage is given below. Full details of the exact courses available can be found by clicking on the individual Faculty pages  through the main menu or from our Curriculum Maps available to download here

The purpose of our curriculum is to give every student the opportunity to meet the high expectations of the school and fulfill their potential.


British Values Statement

We are passionate about providing opportunities for our students to study, learn from and embody British Values. At Chislehurst School for Girls we believe in increasing the life chances of children by improving their Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural skills, in order to fully prepare them for life in modern Britain. The key British values of Individual Liberty, Democracy, Freedom of Speech and Respect for the values and integrity of other faiths, beliefs and genders lies at the very heart of our vision.

Key Stage 3


Literacy and Numeracy:


For curriculum maps see individual sujects:



Expressive Arts:


























Key Stage 4

Students follow the National Curriculum. All students study courses leading to a GCSE in English, Mathematics, Science and RS. In addition they will follow 3 other guided choices.

Key Stage 5

In our Sixth Form provision, students will focus on three A level or vocational qualifications. In addition they will follow a PSHE programme and an enrichment programme to develop them as individuals.

The range of subjects available is reviewed annually and is published in the Sixth Form Way Ahead Brochure.


We assess students frequently  as part of our assessment, recording and reporting system. We report home to parents three times a year electronically  via Talaxy so that parents and carers are informed about the progress that has been made each term.  A detailed explanation will be available with each set of reports issued during the year.

Achieving our Vision

The purpose of our curriculum is to give every student the opportunity to meet the high expectations of the school. Chislehurst School for Girls’ Vision is to have high expectations for every student and for our school to develop well-rounded individuals who are ready to take their place in society.

Our Vision is achieved through:

  • Outstanding/ good teaching and learning.
  • Depth of subject that matches students’ ability at all key stages
  • A range of skills to develop: knowledge and understanding, behaviour for learning, analysis and evaluation, literacy and numeracy. 
  • Challenge for all learners.
  • A Personalised Curriculum such as Grammar streams to maximise students’ potential and KS4 Pathways with extra English and Maths where needed.
  • A broad and balanced curriculum meeting P8,A8 and EBAC parameters to maximise student success. Flexible to meet individual learners needs such as SEN and Most Able .
  • Leadership opportunities in the community for Post 16, KS4 students to have a positive impact on the school community.
  • A flexible and guided approach to year 8 into 9 preferences to maximise progression and inclusive curriculum that will support students to make excellent progress.
  • A menu of extra-curricular activities
  • Learning enhancement inside and outside of the classroom through trips, concerts, enhancement days and performances.
  • Review of T&L strategies to ensure that teaching encompasses: subject matter, SMSC, interactions, self and peer evaluation leading to resilience and learning from your mistakes.
  • Personal, Social and Health Education alongside Social, Moral, Spiritual and Cultural develops students’ sense of accountability for their own behaviour.
  • The monitoring and tracking of student outcomes with a special focus on English and Maths.
  • A positive behaviour for learning policy that underpins the rewards/ sanctions systems
  • On-going investment in ICT resources to enable students to use IT effectively for learning purposes (IT suites, WIFI and bring your own devise policy for Post 16 students, some IPads used in Humanities, on line searches and dictionaries)

Impact will be seen through: 

  • Engagement of students in lessons
  • Positive attitude to learning
  • Sensible behaviour and respect , good moral values
  • Rewards for achievement around the school
  • Progress of groups of students
  • Students wanting to take on challenge
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