CSG 117

Quality of Education

Chislehurst School for Girls

Overall, our curriculum is ambitious for all students within our inclusive and multi-cultural setting. We ensure that it is broad, balanced, rich and deep.



Our curriculum is designed in order to reflect and enhance our unique geographical and social, environment. On the borders of 4 London boroughs and north west Kent, our students attend from a wide variety of feeder primaries: approximately 90. The use of selective tests is prevalent, in Year 6, for entry to grammar schools. Students therefore join us in Year 7 with very mixed primary experience, but predominantly, from a Year 6 curriculum which currently concentrates almost exclusively upon the 11+ and SATs.

Year 7 is therefore designed to address these issues by varied and broad measures.

Our demographic changes constantly, therefore we need to be able to respond quickly to “cohort specific” curriculum needs. For example we have increased our multi-cultural intake in recent years, although White British remains the predominant group, overall.

Our International School Status supports this change, in providing activities related to global citizenship, including worldwide exchanges.

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