Special Educational Needs & Disability (SEND)
SENCO - Miss L Taylor ltaylor@chsfg.co.uk
SEND Assistant - Mrs C Artry cartry@chsfg.co.uk
Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND)
It is vital to us that each young person is prepared for adult life and that we provide a caring, co-operative environment which fosters intellectual, social, racial and religious tolerance. We develop resilience, self-motivated young people who are prepared for the challenges of future study and employment and are active and self-reliant members of society.
If you have concerns about your child’s development you might not know who to turn to for advice and support. It can be very worrying and isolating at times but you are not alone. Parent Voice are here to help you.
Parent Voice Workers all have a vast local knowledge and experience of children with additional needs (either personally or professionally). They will listen to your concerns and help to guide you to organisations, literature, websites and more that will be able to provide more information and support. www.bromleyparentvoice.org.uk.
Bromley Local Offer https://bromley.mylifeportal.co.uk/homepage
The School occupies a site comprising ten buildings, all of which were purpose-built for school use, but some before the current disability legislation came into force.
The Sixth Form Centre houses a purpose-built disabled toilet and has ramped access to the building. Our new building has lift access, and wider staircase provision. Whilst the environment is aesthetically pleasing in many ways, the nature of the site and buildings presents particular challenges in terms of physical accessibility.
However, our commitment to tackling disability discrimination, and promoting equality of opportunity, underpins our procedures and planning at all levels.