Careers Programme

Please see below full Careers Programme.

Careers Program

Our Careers program is on our school website and is growing post Covid with opportunities:




Variety of Speakers, Enhancement days with Career and STEM Focus, PSHE

Parents Evening Careers advice, Careers Fair

y7 Kidzania Trip

Year 8 Camp

y9 Student and Parents information Evening.  Y11/y10 Medical Careers Day

y11 and y12 National Citizenship Service

Work Experience

Employability Workshops

Virtual Work Experience

  1. Careers Interview

Work Experience


Advertising Unlocked

Apprenticeship Fair


Unifrog and our School Website Careerometer is the best tools to give the latest Labour market information to students and parents.  Staff ensure they link their subjects to the latest Labour Market Information to inform students of the latest career opportunities.

Addressing needs of each pupil

Unifrog creates a profile for each student.  Career Action plans are created for each year 10 student and shared with student and form tutor to revisit.  We also work with the lighthouse team to identify ways we could help our SEND students with Careers provision. We have also added contact details of Scope – Equality for Disabled people to our school website if students would like any advice on Careers whilst living with a disability. Brilliant Club is for our more able. PP Student Workshops in KS5.

Linking Curriculum to careers

Linking Curriculum to careers - Career based activities to lessons in curriculum maps. Displays linked to Careers.

Encounters with employers

We have built a variety of Speakers Database over the past 5 years.  Parents Round Robin Career talks. Other opportunities include; Globe Theatre, Woman of the Future and Sportswoman.  Weekly opportunities are sent out to students and HOYs where applicable. In order to comply with our legal obligation under section 42B of the Education Act 1997 we have placed our Provider Access policy on our Career page of our school website and ensure that students are provided with information regarding Technical Education and Apprenticeships under the “Baker Clause”.

Experience of Workplaces

We offer Work Experience to all year 10 and 12 students either virtually or in person.  This is then recorded on Unifrog. Workplace visits in various school faculties.  We partnered up with Investin for 15 Free online Work Experience places for our most vulnerable students.

Encounters with Further and Higher education

School Careers Fair – University Trips, University Fair, Apprenticeship Fair.  Oxbridge Application Conference. Cambridge Outreach.

Personal Guidance

Unifrog and 1 to 1 interviews in year 10.

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